Sunday, May 30, 2010

Struggle: An ongoing process

Today was a warm day and I was feeling good after so many days of unbearable heat and thought of settling my home a bit so I started off by organising my educational as well as employment certificates which though not many, are in every way important to me not only because of their value in my career,however, also because they always remind me of two things –one my struggle to achieve them and secondly the extent of effort I did not put which I could have so as to have better grades in those papers. While organising the papers I got hold of the Experience certificate of my first job and all those memories flashed through my mind as to how I got selected for my first job and even then how unsatisfied I was since it was not a very good job on the universal scale so I kept working for better opportunities and I hopped like anything to an average of changing my job within an year. Infact this reminds me 0f a question during my interview where I was asked ,”Why should we hire you as you change jobs like anything?” and I don’t know where I got the courage of backfiring the question to the interviewer and I told him that I don’t think there is anything wrong in this and infact you would do the same in case you get a better opportunity. I really have no clue as to what that person liked in me and finally offered me that job.

Now after 4 years I have landed into a so called respectable job which I always wanted and now everything seems fine as I am earning fairly well and working with a brand name. Life seems cool and is not a roller coaster ride anymore, however, sometimes I get reminded of my earlier days where I used to feel bad as to not having good grades in my degree and then the fight to get a good job began which was not easier as on one side I was being rejected by every employer and on the other hand I had to face the expressions of my family who was very supportive ,however, I could sense the disappointment in their eyes. No matter I was fortunate enough to have a supportive family not only emotionally however financially too but then as a young man I used to feel worse for not being able to grab a small job even so that I could at least satisfy my conscience that I am doing something on my own. Though there have been so many ups and downs,however, one best thing about that time was my struggle which kept me happy that am moving towards the next step and this one thing is missing nowadays. The big question in front of me is WHAT NEXT? How to keep this fight and struggle ongoing even now when I don’t have a visible reason like earlier where my sole motive of the struggle was the mere survival and thus it was inevitable.Now what is one thing that can keep me moving and still can make me happy.Is it the time to press the RESTART button in my life? Another question which comes to my mind is that how many times we would like to restart our life as this situation would arise in many phases of life so the answer lies in the fact that whenever there is a saturation then its time to create a deliberate need for struggle which in turn means creating self fabricated challenges so as to test oneself which would keep you going and will always give a contented feel on achieving those challenges. Well now the point is how to create those challenges- one way is to look for different avenues in your life which might mean to move out of your present role and this always seems easy than it actually is due to the human tendency of believing that something else would be better- as its aptly said that the grass is always greener on the other side. On the contrary, second best thing is to make sure that we are improving on day to day basis so that we excel in our pre-designated jobs and we try to look for the ways as to how can one improve in the environment we are into and in this way the charm to enjoy that job would always be there and in this way one would always feel happy.

I wonder that is why even in computers there is Reset button, there is even Power button , however, there is no pause button as it follows the basic law of nature- and that is just to keep moving.

Some one has aptly said “Zindagi har pal ek ladayii hai isse har saaans ladna padega, kyunki jab tak zindagi hai tab tak sangharsh hai”


Unknown said...

Hmmmmm... So when you're going to press that restart button in your life???

Unknown said...

@Supriya- I guess you didnt read the blog carefully. It doesnt talk about pressing the restart button rather it talks about the consistent efforts.

Kunal Chandra said...

A very good post and of course since I have the advantage to put it in context too it has more meaning for me than for a general reader. Well written too I must say...

fearose said...

sahi ja rahe ho beta..Keep it up..Waise samsung ki hunhaar chipaahi ho aap..kayam rakho...

SeasonS..ritz said...

I think you must change the subject as struggle is not ongoing but struggle within is really holding continuity...and the most blazed thing is you've to do it until you reach your soul in peace.
Hmmm... sometime knowingly and most of the time unknowingly.

Pallavi said...

Nice write-up